The world is and will be led by technologies

It’s hard to imagine our lives with no transports and services. To wake up in the morning we use phone alarms or digital alarm clocks, we use phones to call and text our friends, colleagues and family. Through our devices we are constantly connected to a network, the GPS used to lead us where we go, online shopping and chatting, download videos or films onto our computers. All the examples have one common aspect and that is we use technologies. We need more people who understand and know how they work, not only because they will have more job opportunities in future but also for their current education. Schools around the world have started to use devices as their educational tools more than books, which is critical that our children know how to utilize them.


The COO of Government Relations at Code.org (an organization that encourage students in America learn computer science) announced that the number of jobs acquired to use computer science will increase four times more than any other professions in America. The number of occupations in professions such as Software applications developer, Computer systems analyst, Web developer, Computer programmer and Computer systems engineer is still increasing.

So where are these occupations come from? Why aren’t they being filled? The answer is that the IT market is growing rapidly compared to the number of educators to manage it. Even though computer science is being introduced to the education system, most teachers are yet to be trained to teach students about it.

The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has also recognised that the demand in the IT market is huge:

“Our policy at Facebook is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. There just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today.”

Problem-solving skills

Coding is not difficult. But it does involve a lot of troubleshooting, in coding terms, it is called debugging. Debugging is the act to identify and solve the errors that exist in code during hardware or software development. This technique can be applied to develop new creative ways of thinking in our professional and personal lives.

What is STEM and how do we teach it?

STEM education stands for:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

STEM is very important today and in future. We encourage kids to learn coding, robotics and multimedia software as they enjoy.  The foundations of engineering, technology and science are taught naturally through building our educational robots. Kids will face a wide variety of obstacles and question themselves “What’s allowing this robot to move in different directions?” or “How could I balance my robot to stabilise it?”. By going through these challenges, you will notice your kids’ gradual growth in logical and creative thinking skills.

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